Oct 16, 2023. **Post-doc Position in MICROBIOLOGY/BIOCHEMISTRY** available!!



A postdoctoral researcher position is available in the laboratories of Michael Niederweis and Gino Cingolani at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). We are seeking a motivated scientist to join an NIH-funded research program focused on iron utilization by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The successful candidate will receive training in cutting-edge methods in microbiology, biochemistry, and structural biology (cryo-EM) and will benefit from work in collaborative and highly successful labs. UAB consistently ranks among the top US universities in one of the best US cities to live in.


Nat Commun, 4260 (2019); Nat Commun 2255 (2022)


· PhD with training in biochemistry and/or structural biology

· A strong publication record and excellent written and verbal communication skills.


· Conduct rigorous and original science

· Design, perform, and interpret experiments

· Write and publish high-quality peer-reviewed research

· Supervise and train undergraduate or graduate trainees and/or technicians


The minimum starting salary is $56,500 following NIH plus benefits (additional compensation is based on qualifications and experience).


Interested candidates should send their applications to mnieder@uab.edu and gcingola@uab.edu. The application should be a single PDF file, including a cover letter with your research accomplishments and career goals (1 page), your curriculum vitae, a list of three references, and three relevant publications.

Oct 1, 2023. The CingolaniLab moves to UAB !!

After 15 years at Thomas Jefferson University, we have moved to the University of Alabama at Birmingham (AUB) to start a new adventure. Thank you, Thomas Jefferson University, for nearly 15 years of fantastic research and academic life. Goodbye, friends, colleagues, and former lab members at Jefferson. We are super thrilled to start a new cycle at UAB. The future of structural biology is about integrating different structural methods: stay tuned!

Aerial view of Jefferson Tower and Philadelphia skyline

Guess who showed up while packing the lab….. Thank you, Momo, Liam, Nick Swanson, and Steve Doll!